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1. Sukkot, The Feast of Tabernacles, is all about celebrating God’s provision. Share together the things God has provided in your life, that simply want to make you celebrate.


2. Read John 7:38, 39.

Living water is not just fresh spring water but it is the Holy Spirit. What does it mean to have that living water flowing from within you?


3. John 8:12. Can you share a time when you have known the Lord’s specific guidance?


4. Spend some time discussing the full impact of the name I AM. The Hebrew can be just as easily translated:

I AM which I AM

I AM that I AM

I AM who I AM

I AM what I AM

Now add in the other possibilities:

I AM who I AM


I WILL BE who I WILL BE (and any combination of these)

5. While it is true that God is Holy and His Name is Holy, God Himself causes us to whisper His Name every time we take a breath. YAHWEH. What sort of impact does this have on you? How does this help in your relationship with Jesus, who is one with The Father?

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