Church is a strange word.
We often use it to describe a building or an event we go to. Sometimes we think of it as some sort of club, or just another thing to add to our ever-busy schedules.
For us as Matamata Baptist, church doesn't mean any of those things. For us, it means exactly that... US... we call that community.
Like all communities, we gather around something that unites us. For our faith community, we gather around Jesus. Gathering to honour God is what has held us together for our 60-year history.
Our Purpose:
why we exist
Our purpose as a faith community is real simple. We exist together to do 3 things:
Love God
Love Others
Make Disciples
We're always changing. A life of following Jesus means we're being transformed by him. Our hope as we change together is that we are:
Building a community that connects people with Jesus Christ
Our Vision:
what we strive to be

Its that simple. Everything we do comes from that. Be it Sunday Gatherings with singing, learning and prayer, loving on our community with our food support programs, hanging out in connect groups doing life, or anything else. We do it to Love God, love others and make disciples, and we strive to build a community that connects people with Jesus.
Our hope is that as you walk with us, you might find us to be a community you can call home, and a whānau where you find Jesus.